Fitomed established in 2000 as “Fitomed Tarımsal Mühendislik Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.” providing R&D and consultancy services to plant protection sectors with 20 years of experience. Fitomed provides R&D, biological efficacy trials, residue trials services from initiation in the field to submissions of reports or dossiers with highly professional expertises.
Who we are:
- We have highly professional expertises with 20 years of experience and have official signing authority from Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture to conduct various trials in insecticide, fungicide, plant growth regulator, fertilizers, and other plant protection products.
- We have field expertise who are experts in different geographical and climatic regions in Türkiye such as Mediterranea, aegean, marmara, east anatolia, south-east anatolia, central anatolia, and black sea regions.
- Our agile professional data scientist and report writing experts prepare meticulous reports right after completion of projects.
- We collaborate with prominent scientists and academicians of plant protection background from various universities for various scientific research.
Fitomed agricultural engineering services conduct plant protection products trials and residue analysis and submit reports by standard Türkiye ministry of agriculture trials methods with highly skilled professionals. We use tailored automation, data analysis, communication, and trial follow-up programs in our in-field and office activities. It ensures reliable and professional services to our partners. We follow the current trends and technologies and keep our team members uptodate by providing education and training. Thus, We provide uptodate, proper, and reliable research services to our valuable customers.
In 2023, TARSAV DENEYSEL TARIM KOLLEKTİF ŞİRKETİ, one of the experienced companies in the sector in Plant Protection Products Trials, our company FİTOMED TARIMSAL MÜHENDİSLİK HİZMETLERİ LTD. STI. joined his family.
A much stronger team was formed by combining the young generation with the experienced staff.